Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alex's Seventeenth Birthday

For the past week and a half, Steve and I have been checking out moped laws, helmet restrictions, insurance needs, and plotting. We bought the moped on Wednesday. Steve dropped me off at the shop on Friday in the early that I could learn how to drive it, get it home, and hide it in Gita's (the neighbor's) shed.

This morning I used a really lam story about Gita's dog needing something "fixed" that was in the shed. Still half asleep, Alex went to investigate...finding the moped with the sign "Happy Birthday Alex, Love Mom and Dad". (He didn't return for more than a few moments...we suspect he was stunned into tears!)

Of course, Alex can't actually drive it. Though Steve has asked him every day for the past two weeks if he were ready to take the driver's road test at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Alex' has opted out of this. He has decided to take the test tomorrow, of course. He used some of the birthday money he received from his grandparents and Aunt Sonya and Gita to purchase a cool helmet and a U-lock. His girlfriend Erica (who is 18 and been driving for two years) took him as a passenger on his new moped!


Anonymous said...

Pix are great but I still one to see one of Susan on it!! hehe Glad our gift money could go to good use! Keep us posted...and tell Alex to BE SAFE!!!!! ---Love Aunt Sonya

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! I just KNEW this would be the "Year of the Alex". I am so proud of him. And I know you are too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well...i think this little website thing you have is pretty cool! I would like make one for my family!